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Ask Argyle: A Q&A on tech comms with David Troya-Alvarez
David shares insights on the evolution of the technology industry and the communicator's role
Bill C-59: Navigating the Communications Landscape of Anti-Greenwashing Legislation
A wave of new anti-greenwashing legislation puts greater pressure on communications and marketing teams to accurately represent the environmental and social claims their organizations make. On June 24, 2024, Pathways Alliance, a consortium of Canada’s largest oil sands companies, abruptly removed all content from its website, social media, and other public communications. This move was a direct response to the passage of Bill C-59, an amendment to Canada’s Competition Act that introduced strict 'anti-greenwashing' provisions. Greenwashing, the practice of making false or exaggerated claims about an organizations environmental and social efforts, was the target of [...]
From crisis management to public relations, trauma-informed communication ensures empathy and clarity during Canadian Victims and Survivors of Crime Week and beyond
Argyle bolsters reputation risk expertise in senior partnership with Peter Segall
Let’s Get R.E.A.L.: Lessons from Peloton Two Years On
Argyle earns top honour for the second consecutive year
A Practical Framework for Trauma-Informed Leadership
Five communications takeaways from a three-year pandemic
Introducing A Communicator’s Guide to New Climate Rules and Standards
A new series to help communications and marketing professionals keep pace with Canada’s new climate standards.
Beyond the Headlines: Quantifying the impact of social and traditional media
Argyle earns top honour for the second consecutive year
Employers care more about customers than employees: Worker survey
Argyle earns top honour for the second consecutive year
Let’s Get R.E.A.L.: Lessons In Reputational Risk
Argyle earns top honour for the second consecutive year